About Steven Kellerman

Steven KellermanHi, my name is Steven Kellerman. My mission is to help individuals and businesses select the best promotional banners. Check some of my recent blog posts.

Whether you are a little league coach that needs some sports athletic banners for your baseball game, or a large corporation designing trade booth banners, we aim to provide high-quality information so that you purchase the best option for your use case.

On the surface it might seem that purchasing a banner is pretty straightforward, but the more you look into it, there are so many different vendors, so many different styles and sizes to select that it can often be daunting to make the best choice possible.

I’m a marketing specialist obsessed with more traditional advertising like window clings, flag pole banners- the type of more conventional marketing collateral that isn’t discussed as much nowadays.

I received my education in digital marketing and worked for a while at some different tech startups running their paid advertising campaigns, but over time naturally gravitated to more traditional marketing methods.

This occurred after going to a trade show for one of the startups I was involved with and being tasked with purchasing the branded table runners for our booth.

I hope that my website clarifies things so that you end up purchasing a banner that works for your particular needs. Shoot me an email if you have a question!